Consolidated Plan Needs Assessment Survey
Each year the City of Columbia receives federal funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) due to its population, demographics and available funding. The City estimates it will receive approximately $1,000,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and $600,000 in HOME funds each of the next 5 years. These funds primarily benefit low to moderate income households, and can be used for affordable housing, economic and workforce development, community facilities and neighborhood revitalization and stabilization.
The survey is primarily for residents of Columbia, Missouri. The survey will be available from October 9, 2023 – February 9, 2024.
This survey is designed to collect public opinion regarding how the City should use its federal funds. This survey is voluntary, your answers will be kept confidential, and you may choose not to answer any question. Please do not take this survey more than once. Thank you for providing your valuable input!
Affordable Housing: The cost of housing (rent/mortgage plus utilities) totals 30% or less of a household’s gross income.
Low to Moderate Income Area: A census tract in which at least 51% of households have an income less than 80% of the Area Median Gross Income.