Short-term Rental Regulations Survey

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Consultation has concluded

The City of Columbia is considering the adoption of regulations pertaining to the operation of short-term rentals, also known as Airbnbs or VRBOs.

At City Council’s request, the Planning and Zoning Commission has prepared draft regulatory standards that would, among other things, establish permitted locations (i.e. zoning districts) as well as define other regulatory criteria/standards required to be met in order for a property owner or tenant (as authorized by a property owner) to legally license and use a dwelling unit or portion of a dwelling unit as a short-term rental.

In light of the impact that these draft regulatory standards may create, the Planning Commission and City Council are seeking public comments prior to advancing the proposed standards forward for additional public hearings. Public comment is being sought in two formats – written responses to the draft regulatory standards themselves and via completion of a 7-question survey.

Written comments are sought to better inform the Planning Commission and City Council of the pros and cons of the draft regulatory standards as well as to seek input on possible alternatives to the standards that have been developed. Written comments will require review of the draft regulatory standards which can be viewed by following this link.

Written public comments may be submitted by selecting the “Questions” button at the bottom of this page. Alternatively, written comments may be submitted by emailing and indicating “Short-term Rental” in the subject line.

The 7-question survey, located at the bottom of this page, is intended to gain broad public thoughts on resident’s attitudes relating to regulating short-term rentals generally and the preservation of affordable housing. Given the broad nature of these questions, it is strongly recommended that you review the draft regulatory standards and submit written comment on them to ensure that your thoughts are properly conveyed to the Planning Commission and City Council.

A short-term rental is considered a dwelling unit or portion of a dwelling unit that is offered for transient guest accommodation for less than thirty-one (31) consecutive days. The City of Columbia presently has provisions pertaining to “long-term rentals” which are those dwelling units offered to a person for a period more than thirty-one (31) consecutive days under a rental contract. Dwelling units that are used for the purpose of “long-term rental” are not impacted by the attached regulations. The draft regulations only pertain to short-term rentals.

Click this link to view additional background information and Planning Commission actions taken on this topic between June 2021 and December 2022. Links to the most recent Planning Commission actions are also accessible under the Documents heading on this page.

Survey responses will be collected through Friday, March 24, 2023.

The City of Columbia is considering the adoption of regulations pertaining to the operation of short-term rentals, also known as Airbnbs or VRBOs.

At City Council’s request, the Planning and Zoning Commission has prepared draft regulatory standards that would, among other things, establish permitted locations (i.e. zoning districts) as well as define other regulatory criteria/standards required to be met in order for a property owner or tenant (as authorized by a property owner) to legally license and use a dwelling unit or portion of a dwelling unit as a short-term rental.

In light of the impact that these draft regulatory standards may create, the Planning Commission and City Council are seeking public comments prior to advancing the proposed standards forward for additional public hearings. Public comment is being sought in two formats – written responses to the draft regulatory standards themselves and via completion of a 7-question survey.

Written comments are sought to better inform the Planning Commission and City Council of the pros and cons of the draft regulatory standards as well as to seek input on possible alternatives to the standards that have been developed. Written comments will require review of the draft regulatory standards which can be viewed by following this link.

Written public comments may be submitted by selecting the “Questions” button at the bottom of this page. Alternatively, written comments may be submitted by emailing and indicating “Short-term Rental” in the subject line.

The 7-question survey, located at the bottom of this page, is intended to gain broad public thoughts on resident’s attitudes relating to regulating short-term rentals generally and the preservation of affordable housing. Given the broad nature of these questions, it is strongly recommended that you review the draft regulatory standards and submit written comment on them to ensure that your thoughts are properly conveyed to the Planning Commission and City Council.

A short-term rental is considered a dwelling unit or portion of a dwelling unit that is offered for transient guest accommodation for less than thirty-one (31) consecutive days. The City of Columbia presently has provisions pertaining to “long-term rentals” which are those dwelling units offered to a person for a period more than thirty-one (31) consecutive days under a rental contract. Dwelling units that are used for the purpose of “long-term rental” are not impacted by the attached regulations. The draft regulations only pertain to short-term rentals.

Click this link to view additional background information and Planning Commission actions taken on this topic between June 2021 and December 2022. Links to the most recent Planning Commission actions are also accessible under the Documents heading on this page.

Survey responses will be collected through Friday, March 24, 2023.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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