American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)

The City of Columbia received a total of $25.2 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to address the public health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The first half of this funding has been designated for initiatives related to homelessness, community violence, behavioral crisis care mental health services, and workforce development. The City Council requested that the second half be allocated to priority areas identified by the community. A community-wide survey was conducted during the month of June 2022 to gather feedback. The survey data was accompanied by rich conversations collected via focus groups, which were conducted in the month of August, 2022. Thanks to everyone who participated in this process. The full report of the community engagement survey and focus groups can be found here.
Proposals were scored on alignment with ARPA priorities and the City strategic plan, demonstration of need, efficiency (program costs per individual and project goals), equity impact, outcome measurement, and financial sustainability past 2026.
On September 28th, 2023, a press release was published announcing Council’s intent to fund selected entities. Council voted to approve this resolution at their regular council meeting on Monday, October 2nd. You can find the list of organizations selected to receive ARPA funds in the documents tab labeled “ARPA Exhibit A”.
Proposals and letters of intent, along with scoring, can be found here.
Currently, the City is working with organizations to implement the projects that were funded. Thank you to all organizations who applied, and we look forward to investing in our community together!
Questions can be submitted below or for issues send an email to
The City of Columbia received a total of $25.2 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to address the public health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The first half of this funding has been designated for initiatives related to homelessness, community violence, behavioral crisis care mental health services, and workforce development. The City Council requested that the second half be allocated to priority areas identified by the community. A community-wide survey was conducted during the month of June 2022 to gather feedback. The survey data was accompanied by rich conversations collected via focus groups, which were conducted in the month of August, 2022. Thanks to everyone who participated in this process. The full report of the community engagement survey and focus groups can be found here.
Proposals were scored on alignment with ARPA priorities and the City strategic plan, demonstration of need, efficiency (program costs per individual and project goals), equity impact, outcome measurement, and financial sustainability past 2026.
On September 28th, 2023, a press release was published announcing Council’s intent to fund selected entities. Council voted to approve this resolution at their regular council meeting on Monday, October 2nd. You can find the list of organizations selected to receive ARPA funds in the documents tab labeled “ARPA Exhibit A”.
Proposals and letters of intent, along with scoring, can be found here.
Currently, the City is working with organizations to implement the projects that were funded. Thank you to all organizations who applied, and we look forward to investing in our community together!
Questions can be submitted below or for issues send an email to
ARPA Q and A
Please submit your questions about the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Community Engagement project or ARPA funding project. City staff will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.
Share Are there grant funds available for new services to the homeless? on Facebook Share Are there grant funds available for new services to the homeless? on Twitter Share Are there grant funds available for new services to the homeless? on Linkedin Email Are there grant funds available for new services to the homeless? link
Are there grant funds available for new services to the homeless?
derek asked 2 months agoThank you for your question. All City ARPA funds have been allocated, a portion of which were dedicated to services and housing for the unsheltered and/or unhoused. However, the City also provides social services funding. Find out more here:
Share I have seen ARPA Exhibit A.pdf (123 KB) (pdf). However, where would a document be located with the ARPA allocations categorized as negative economic impact, premium pay, public health, infrastructure, revenue replacement, administrative, etc. on Facebook Share I have seen ARPA Exhibit A.pdf (123 KB) (pdf). However, where would a document be located with the ARPA allocations categorized as negative economic impact, premium pay, public health, infrastructure, revenue replacement, administrative, etc. on Twitter Share I have seen ARPA Exhibit A.pdf (123 KB) (pdf). However, where would a document be located with the ARPA allocations categorized as negative economic impact, premium pay, public health, infrastructure, revenue replacement, administrative, etc. on Linkedin Email I have seen ARPA Exhibit A.pdf (123 KB) (pdf). However, where would a document be located with the ARPA allocations categorized as negative economic impact, premium pay, public health, infrastructure, revenue replacement, administrative, etc. link
I have seen ARPA Exhibit A.pdf (123 KB) (pdf). However, where would a document be located with the ARPA allocations categorized as negative economic impact, premium pay, public health, infrastructure, revenue replacement, administrative, etc.
Question asked 6 months agoHi, thank you for your question. At this time, we do not have allocations broken down in this way.
Share Where can I find the list of total allocated spending for the city of Columbia under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)? on Facebook Share Where can I find the list of total allocated spending for the city of Columbia under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)? on Twitter Share Where can I find the list of total allocated spending for the city of Columbia under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)? on Linkedin Email Where can I find the list of total allocated spending for the city of Columbia under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)? link
Where can I find the list of total allocated spending for the city of Columbia under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)?
Question asked 6 months agoHi, please see "ARPA Exhibit A" under "Documents" on the right column of this page, just above "ARPA FAQ's". Thank you!
Share Good Afternoon, I have a few questions regarding the ARPA funds that are available. I'm wondering what the deadline to turn in a Proposal for a Non-profit is? Also when will the next round of funding be available? This is my first Non-Profit so I'm asking questions to navigate through the process. Thank you on Facebook Share Good Afternoon, I have a few questions regarding the ARPA funds that are available. I'm wondering what the deadline to turn in a Proposal for a Non-profit is? Also when will the next round of funding be available? This is my first Non-Profit so I'm asking questions to navigate through the process. Thank you on Twitter Share Good Afternoon, I have a few questions regarding the ARPA funds that are available. I'm wondering what the deadline to turn in a Proposal for a Non-profit is? Also when will the next round of funding be available? This is my first Non-Profit so I'm asking questions to navigate through the process. Thank you on Linkedin Email Good Afternoon, I have a few questions regarding the ARPA funds that are available. I'm wondering what the deadline to turn in a Proposal for a Non-profit is? Also when will the next round of funding be available? This is my first Non-Profit so I'm asking questions to navigate through the process. Thank you link
Good Afternoon, I have a few questions regarding the ARPA funds that are available. I'm wondering what the deadline to turn in a Proposal for a Non-profit is? Also when will the next round of funding be available? This is my first Non-Profit so I'm asking questions to navigate through the process. Thank you
Bridget B asked 12 months agoHello, unfortunately, the application process for City ARPA funding is closed, as all of the City's ARPA grantees have been identified.
Share Hello, I’m curious how small businesses in Columbia can apply to receive or learn about eligibility to receive funds from Columbia’s ARPA? Any information you can provide would be helpful. Thank you. on Facebook Share Hello, I’m curious how small businesses in Columbia can apply to receive or learn about eligibility to receive funds from Columbia’s ARPA? Any information you can provide would be helpful. Thank you. on Twitter Share Hello, I’m curious how small businesses in Columbia can apply to receive or learn about eligibility to receive funds from Columbia’s ARPA? Any information you can provide would be helpful. Thank you. on Linkedin Email Hello, I’m curious how small businesses in Columbia can apply to receive or learn about eligibility to receive funds from Columbia’s ARPA? Any information you can provide would be helpful. Thank you. link
Hello, I’m curious how small businesses in Columbia can apply to receive or learn about eligibility to receive funds from Columbia’s ARPA? Any information you can provide would be helpful. Thank you.
Joel asked about 1 year agoHello, thanks for your question. The City of Columbia ARPA funds have been allocated, however, Boone County is currently accepting ARPA applications until 5:00PM on January 26th. Here is a link for more information about County ARPA funds:
Share How will the "Community Violence" funds be used? on Facebook Share How will the "Community Violence" funds be used? on Twitter Share How will the "Community Violence" funds be used? on Linkedin Email How will the "Community Violence" funds be used? link
How will the "Community Violence" funds be used?
dennisbahls asked over 1 year agoThank you for your question. The following proposals focusing on community violence were selected to be funded:
In2Action’s community enrichment program - $750,000
Columbia Supreme’s Youth Mentoring Program - $150,000
United Community Builder’s Beacon of Light Community Center - $750,000
Destiny of H.O.P.E.’s Critical Change Gang Prevention Program - $320,000
Boone County Nature School - $200,000
To see the contents of the proposals, please visit this link:
Share I like the plan. Now when will this money start funding really projects? Especially homelessness, housing and community safety? on Facebook Share I like the plan. Now when will this money start funding really projects? Especially homelessness, housing and community safety? on Twitter Share I like the plan. Now when will this money start funding really projects? Especially homelessness, housing and community safety? on Linkedin Email I like the plan. Now when will this money start funding really projects? Especially homelessness, housing and community safety? link
I like the plan. Now when will this money start funding really projects? Especially homelessness, housing and community safety?
Khoreekage asked over 1 year agoThank you for your question. A dedicated team at the City is working to get contracts in place as quickly as possible. Timing will depend on when we receive all necessary documentation and when we are able to get items on the agenda for final council approval. We are hopeful that we will have at least some contracts executed by the end of this calendar year.
Share PLEASE, could we set up grants to individual home owners in places like first ward/Central Columbia for alternative energy utilities. Personally I really want a geo-sourced heat pump with solar panels to help make my house completely electric and still something I can afford to pay. So many lower income home owners would like to upgrade and work towards carbon-neutral and environmentally friend energy sources, but we lack the capital to pay the initial costs!! Even with tax deductions, I just can't afford to jump without some sort of help! My old house has other things that need fixing which take priority, so that utilities are never an option. on Facebook Share PLEASE, could we set up grants to individual home owners in places like first ward/Central Columbia for alternative energy utilities. Personally I really want a geo-sourced heat pump with solar panels to help make my house completely electric and still something I can afford to pay. So many lower income home owners would like to upgrade and work towards carbon-neutral and environmentally friend energy sources, but we lack the capital to pay the initial costs!! Even with tax deductions, I just can't afford to jump without some sort of help! My old house has other things that need fixing which take priority, so that utilities are never an option. on Twitter Share PLEASE, could we set up grants to individual home owners in places like first ward/Central Columbia for alternative energy utilities. Personally I really want a geo-sourced heat pump with solar panels to help make my house completely electric and still something I can afford to pay. So many lower income home owners would like to upgrade and work towards carbon-neutral and environmentally friend energy sources, but we lack the capital to pay the initial costs!! Even with tax deductions, I just can't afford to jump without some sort of help! My old house has other things that need fixing which take priority, so that utilities are never an option. on Linkedin Email PLEASE, could we set up grants to individual home owners in places like first ward/Central Columbia for alternative energy utilities. Personally I really want a geo-sourced heat pump with solar panels to help make my house completely electric and still something I can afford to pay. So many lower income home owners would like to upgrade and work towards carbon-neutral and environmentally friend energy sources, but we lack the capital to pay the initial costs!! Even with tax deductions, I just can't afford to jump without some sort of help! My old house has other things that need fixing which take priority, so that utilities are never an option. link
PLEASE, could we set up grants to individual home owners in places like first ward/Central Columbia for alternative energy utilities. Personally I really want a geo-sourced heat pump with solar panels to help make my house completely electric and still something I can afford to pay. So many lower income home owners would like to upgrade and work towards carbon-neutral and environmentally friend energy sources, but we lack the capital to pay the initial costs!! Even with tax deductions, I just can't afford to jump without some sort of help! My old house has other things that need fixing which take priority, so that utilities are never an option.
kt asked over 1 year agoThank you for your question. We did not receive any proposals addressing alternative energy. One of the proposals selected for ARPA funds was utility assistance, which will provide additional funding for the City’s existing program. If you are interested in discussing options for assistance, please reach out to our social services division at 573-874-7488.
Share Hi, was the humane society not allowed to be considered in any capacity? I'm thinking even as it relates to public health and animal control. I'm very curious and would love your thoughts. Thanks! Jen Horton on Facebook Share Hi, was the humane society not allowed to be considered in any capacity? I'm thinking even as it relates to public health and animal control. I'm very curious and would love your thoughts. Thanks! Jen Horton on Twitter Share Hi, was the humane society not allowed to be considered in any capacity? I'm thinking even as it relates to public health and animal control. I'm very curious and would love your thoughts. Thanks! Jen Horton on Linkedin Email Hi, was the humane society not allowed to be considered in any capacity? I'm thinking even as it relates to public health and animal control. I'm very curious and would love your thoughts. Thanks! Jen Horton link
Hi, was the humane society not allowed to be considered in any capacity? I'm thinking even as it relates to public health and animal control. I'm very curious and would love your thoughts. Thanks! Jen Horton
Jenniferhorton1972 asked over 1 year agoThank you for your question. The categories that were opened for funding consideration were workforce development and support, mental health, community violence, access to services, homelessness, and affordable housing. All organizations were able to submit applications for consideration.
Share What are the start and end dates for the ARPA Homelessness funding? on Facebook Share What are the start and end dates for the ARPA Homelessness funding? on Twitter Share What are the start and end dates for the ARPA Homelessness funding? on Linkedin Email What are the start and end dates for the ARPA Homelessness funding? link
What are the start and end dates for the ARPA Homelessness funding?
clarkmj asked almost 2 years agoHi, if you are referring to the application for ARPA funding related to homelessness, submissions were accepted from 2/17/23-2/27/23 (RFP 89/2023). Let us know if this did not answer your question.
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City of Columbia Boone County Department of Public Health and Human Services
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Project Team Member
City of Columbia Boone County Department of Public Health and Human Services
Phone (573) 441-5595 Email
Click here to play video De'Carlon Seewood and Barbara Buffaloe on the importance of the ARPA community engagement survey Columbia, we want to hear from you! Funds are available to help those affected by the pandemic. Fill out the survey at or call 573.874.CITY and our friendly customer service representatives will help you fill out the online survey over the phone.
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Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds: Overview of the Final Rule
Final Rule: Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund and the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund
Survey Results-Filtered by Completedness.xlsx (692 KB) (xlsx)
7.18.22 Pre Council ARPA.pdf (1.54 MB) (pdf)
Columbia MO ARPA Proposal Submission User Guide.pdf (1.21 MB) (pdf)
ARPA Community Engagement Report (21.8 MB) (pdf)
ARPA Community Engagement Report-Screen Reader Accessible (1.06 MB) (docx)
ARPA Process & Timeline.pdf (164 KB) (pdf)
ARPA Proposal Scoring Tool.pdf (69.2 KB) (pdf)
ARPA Proposals.pdf (85.5 KB) (pdf)
ARPA Exhibit A.pdf (123 KB) (pdf)
- What is the intent of ARPA?
- What is the total amount of the ARPA award for my City/County?
- When will my City/County receive funding?
- How may my town spend the funding?
- When should I apply for ARPA funds?
- Who is eligible to apply for ARPA funds?
- How do I apply for ARPA funds?
- What is the difference between a “beneficiary” and a “subrecipient”?
- Where can I learn more about ARPA award reporting requirements?
- What is the formula for calculating the reduction in revenue?
- What is the “$10 million standard allowance” for revenue loss
- Does ARPA money have to be kept in a separate, non-interest bearing cash account?
- May ARPA funds be pooled for regional projects?
- Where can I learn more about Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200)?
- What is the timeline for obligating and expending my ARPA funds?
- What is the definition of “obligate”?
- What is the “period of performance” for my ARPA award?
- What is the definition of “Authorized Representative”?
- What provisions of the Uniform Guidance for grants apply to these funds? Will the Single Audit requirements apply?
- Who has oversight of the Non-entitlement Units of local government?
- Is public/community engagement a requirement of my ARPA award?
- What is meant by "Date of Award"?
- Can ARPA funds be used to pay for the extra costs of a Single Audit, if one is needed?
- Are payments to individuals for Premium Pay considered wages?
- What is CFDA, ALN?
- Are matching funds or other funding sources required?
- Can funds be used to purchase building or remodel facility?
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