Ash Street Improvements Project

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Public Works held a third interested parties meeting Wednesday, March 19, at the Activity and Recreation Center (ARC), 1701 W. Ash Street. The meeting was an informal open house meeting where preliminary plans were posted for the public to view. Staff were present to answer questions and a comment form was available.

If you were unable to attend the meeting, please share your thoughts in the "Ideas" section at the bottom of this page. Input will be accepted through April 4, 2025.

The Ash Street improvement project was initiated following the passage of a quarter-cent sales tax proposition in August 2015 which allocated funds for capital improvement projects related to street and sidewalk maintenance. The improvements are proposed along Ash Street between Clinkscales Road and First Street.

The project design includes construction of an 8-foot wide sidewalk along the north side of Ash Street to be utilized by both pedestrians and bicyclists. The design includes construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk along the south side of Ash Street to fill in sidewalk gaps. In addition, the design includes a continuous bike lane along the south side of Ash Street. Finally, the design includes crosswalks with flashing beacons at the intersection with Redwood Road, Anderson Avenue and Alexander Avenue.

Further information is available in the Documents section. Construction is expected to begin at the earliest in summer 2026, but more than likely it will start in the spring of 2027.

Public Works held a third interested parties meeting Wednesday, March 19, at the Activity and Recreation Center (ARC), 1701 W. Ash Street. The meeting was an informal open house meeting where preliminary plans were posted for the public to view. Staff were present to answer questions and a comment form was available.

If you were unable to attend the meeting, please share your thoughts in the "Ideas" section at the bottom of this page. Input will be accepted through April 4, 2025.

The Ash Street improvement project was initiated following the passage of a quarter-cent sales tax proposition in August 2015 which allocated funds for capital improvement projects related to street and sidewalk maintenance. The improvements are proposed along Ash Street between Clinkscales Road and First Street.

The project design includes construction of an 8-foot wide sidewalk along the north side of Ash Street to be utilized by both pedestrians and bicyclists. The design includes construction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk along the south side of Ash Street to fill in sidewalk gaps. In addition, the design includes a continuous bike lane along the south side of Ash Street. Finally, the design includes crosswalks with flashing beacons at the intersection with Redwood Road, Anderson Avenue and Alexander Avenue.

Further information is available in the Documents section. Construction is expected to begin at the earliest in summer 2026, but more than likely it will start in the spring of 2027.

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To Dawn Zeterberg - I have sent you an email about the hole issue.

siansays - Thank you for your comment. A roundabout is only one of the possible designs that may be implemented. The engineering team has been made aware of your feedback and I appreciate your time in leaving it.

john.ogan almost 3 years ago

Another roundabout? Please leave the intersection of W Ash and Clinkscales alone!! Roundabouts cause confusion and bumper accidents. That would be a huge mess and it might affect my address.

siansays almost 3 years ago

I live on Hunt and travel on the bike lanes in my wheelchair. When the city dig 4x4 holes in the bike lanes it effect me big time. Please make sure they cover them quickly and smooth! I travel the bike lanes because the sidewalks are very bad shape!

Dawn Zeterberg almost 3 years ago

Thank you for allowing this opportunity for the citizenry to leave their thoughts on important issues.I live on ash street and am invested in the ash street improvements project.

I have long thought the sidewalks are poor and inconsistent block-to-block all along ash. At the least, sidewalks should be on both sides of the street (level and assessable for the disabled). I don’t really see the need or added benefit of a multi-use sidewalk ( maybe I could be convinced otherwise). My biggest concern is for the trees. I really don’t want to see any established trees cut down and replaced with concrete. Hopefully any and all healthy trees can be protected, take priority and be grandfathered in.

I have a hard time seeing roundabouts working except at Clinkscales. I think the footprint is too large for the other intersections. The enhanced stops sound like a better option.

That’s all I can think of for now :)

Dietzelhoff almost 3 years ago
Page last updated: 27 Mar 2025, 06:04 PM