November 06 2023

Public hearing for Garden Drive traffic calming

There will be a public hearing concerning the Garden Drive traffic calming project at the City Council meeting Monday, Nov. 6. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 701 E. Broadway.

August 09 2023

Second interested parties meeting

The City of Columbia Public Works department has scheduled a second informal open house meeting concerning traffic calming on Garden Drive, which has been identified as a street with traffic operating at speeds higher than desirable. This meeting will be held Wednesday, Aug. 9 from 6 to 7 p.m. in Conference Room 1A of City Hall, 701 E. Broadway.

April 10 2023

Interested parties meeting

This meeting will be held Monday, Apr. 10 from 6 to 7 p.m. in Conference Room 1A of City Hall, 701 E. Broadway. At the meeting, information and diagrams will be available for public review, and City engineering staff will be present to answer questions. A public comment form will be available at the meeting and on the webpage. Comments will be considered as the design is developed.