Key Dates
Baseline information questionnaire open
City of Columbia releases Rental Energy Efficiency Questionnaire to collect information from tenants, rental property owners/managers and community based organizations. This information and feedback from focus groups will inform the work of consultants as the rental market and housing stock conditions are studied. The study will also provide insight into the energy efficiency improvement potential as well as policy and program options.
Convene focus groups with key stakeholders
In order to capture more complete information and priorities from the community, the City of Columbia will convene focus groups of interested and invested community members. Including and not limited to families living in rental housing, rental property owners/property managers, and community organizations. If you are interested in participating in a focus group, please reach out to or call 573-874-2489 (CITY).
Project status report to City Council
The project team will prepare a report summarizing the status of the project and planned next steps (input received through the questionnaire and focus groups; and the preliminary plans for investigating the status of the rental housing stock, energy efficiency improvement potential, market impacts and policy options.) This report will be placed on the City Council Agenda in March or April of 2023.