What is CATSO and what do they do?
The Columbia Area Transportation Study Organization (CATSO) was created in 1964 and designated as a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) by the Governor of Missouri. As the designated MPO, the Columbia Area Transportation Study Organization is responsible for ensuring a coordinated transportation planning process with the Metropolitan area.
To learn more about the Columbia Area Transportation Study Organization (CATSO) and what they do, visit
What is a long-range transportation plan?
The traditional LRTP is a 20-year planning vision document that reflects programmatic transportation goals and project prioritization.
To learn more about long-range transportation plans, like the Columbia Area Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2055 Update, visit https://highways.dot.gov/federal-lands/planning/lrtp
Where can I read the 2050 CATSO Long-Range Transportation Plan?
To view the 2050 CATSO Long-Range Transportation Plan, visit
Are the Public Input meetings open to the public?
Yes! We encourage all members of the public to attend these open house meetings! No RSVP is required.
How many meetings will be held regarding this project?
There will be 2 Open House-style Input meetings regarding this project. The first will be on Wednesday, Sept 4, 6-8 p.m., at City Hall.
The date for the second meeting is TBD but will be held sometime in the fall of 2024.
Is there a place where I can provide my input?
We invite you to provide input using the “Comments” and “Questions” tabs found on this site. We also invite you to fill out the survey provided under the “Survey” tab on this site. We are accepting survey responses until September 7.