Forum Boulevard improvement project

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Consultation has concluded

The Forum Boulevard improvement project was initiated following the passage of a quarter-cent sales tax proposition in August 2015 which allocated funds for capital improvement projects. Those projects included several large roadway projects such as Nifong Boulevard (completed in 2021) and upgrades along the Forum Boulevard corridor.

The City hired Engineering Surveys & Services, a Columbia-based engineering consulting firm, to provide planning and design for the Forum Boulevard improvement project. The total project budget for the improvements is approximately $12,300,000, which includes design, right-of-way acquisition, utility relocation and construction costs.

The project design includes a new driving lane in both the north and southbound directions, a bike lane and sidewalk along both sides of the roadway and rehabilitation or replacement of the existing bridge over Hinkson Creek. There will also be upgrades to several intersections and entrances to improve traffic safety and operations on the corridor.

The preliminary design of the improvements is expected to be completed by the fall of 2024, with easement acquisition occurring during the winter and spring of 2025. Construction of improvements are projected to be underway by the summer of 2026.

The Forum Boulevard improvement project was initiated following the passage of a quarter-cent sales tax proposition in August 2015 which allocated funds for capital improvement projects. Those projects included several large roadway projects such as Nifong Boulevard (completed in 2021) and upgrades along the Forum Boulevard corridor.

The City hired Engineering Surveys & Services, a Columbia-based engineering consulting firm, to provide planning and design for the Forum Boulevard improvement project. The total project budget for the improvements is approximately $12,300,000, which includes design, right-of-way acquisition, utility relocation and construction costs.

The project design includes a new driving lane in both the north and southbound directions, a bike lane and sidewalk along both sides of the roadway and rehabilitation or replacement of the existing bridge over Hinkson Creek. There will also be upgrades to several intersections and entrances to improve traffic safety and operations on the corridor.

The preliminary design of the improvements is expected to be completed by the fall of 2024, with easement acquisition occurring during the winter and spring of 2025. Construction of improvements are projected to be underway by the summer of 2026.

Consultation has concluded

Questions will be answered by Public Works staff.